“Data for Good” Online Press Conference -- Releasing the assessment report of “Hong Kong Open Data Index 2021/2022”

Hong Kong Open Data Index
Poster of "Data for Good" Online Press Conference
“Data for Good” Online Press Conference  
-- Releasing the assessment report of “Hong Kong Open Data Index 2021/2022”

Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) initiated the “Hong Kong Open Data Index” project and published the first “Hong Kong Open Data Index” assessment report in 2020 to assess and monitor data openness in Hong Kong. Two years on, has data openness in Hong Kong made any progress? Which data categories have achieved the most substantial improvements? What are the aspects that need further attention and enhancement? 

Next week, ISOC HK is launching the second assessment report, which also incorporates the results of Hong Kong from another global project - Global Data Barometer (GDB) - to further investigate data policies and practices in governance, release and use for the public good. Based on the findings, the report makes a few recommendations to the Hong Kong government to improve upon its data governance. By expanding the scope of assessment, HKODI is exploring methods to answer a bigger question: how to govern data for the public good?

ISOC HK will hold an online press conference on March 24 to release the latest assessment report of “Hong Kong Open Data Index 2021/2022”, details as follows: 

Date: March 24, 2022 (Thursday)

Time: 2:30 PM 

Venue: Online (ZOOM meeting room) & ISOC HK FACEBOOK Page

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88398594744?pwd=M0JpSWRieEhlc0ZYejZMeGlObUtxUT09

Meeting  ID:  883 9859 4744

Passcode: 000877 


  • Silvana FUMEGA, Director of Global Data Barometer (Video) 
  • CHENG Pan Pan, Director of Internet Society Hong Kong
  • WONG Ho Wa, Convener of ISOC HK Open Data Committee
  • Benjamin ZHOU, Researcher of “Hong Kong Open Data Index” 

香港互聯網協會「數據向善」網上記者會 ——《香港開放數據指數2021/2022》報告發佈

Poster of "Data for Good" Online Press Conference

香港互聯網協會(Internet Society Hong Kong)於 2020 年發表第一份《香港開放數據指數》評估報告。透過評估工作,揭示香港在開放數據中所取得的成就及面臨的挑戰,介紹國際社會中成熟的最佳做法。兩年過去了,香港的開放數據有進步嗎?哪些數據類別的改善最顯著?有哪些方面仍有改進的空間?除開放數據外,還有哪些政策措施可能幫助我們善用大數據?

香港互聯網協會將於 3 月 24 日(星期四)發表第二份《香港開放數據指數》評估報告,報告内容囊括指數的第二輪評估結果,反映本港開放數據兩年間的變化;此外,亦加入了新推出的「全球數據指標」(Global Data Barometer)中香港部分,以進一步瞭解數據的管治、發佈和使用等各環節政策措施,並向政府提供改善建議。報告希望藉此探討一個更宏觀的問題:我們應當如何管治數據以造福公衆,推動「數據向善」?

香港互聯網協會將於 2022 年 3 月 24 日舉行網上新聞發佈會,詳細介紹《香港市民使用開放數據現況調查報告》結果,詳情如下: 

日期:2022 年 3 月 24 日(星期四)

時間:下午 2 時 30 分



會議 ID:883 9859 4744



  • Silvana Fumega (「全球數據指標」總監) [簡介片段]
  • 鄭斌彬(香港互聯網協會董事 )
  • 黃浩華(香港互聯網協會開放數據小組召集人)
  • 周穗斌 (「香港開放數據指數」研究員 )


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