Prof. Rolien Hoyng, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK and the Internet Society Hong Kong are organising Data for Environment: From Insight to Action. We invite you to join our webinar discussing the role of data in tackling the environmental problems that cities like Hong Kong are facing.
The event explores how better access to, and use of, data can contribute to social innovation and awareness of environmental threats such as pollution and waste. What kinds of data would be necessary and what can be done with them? What can Open Data mean for stakeholders such as environmental NGOs and how can they push for it?
Date: 23 October, 2020 (Friday)
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Venue: Online meeting room
Prof. Rolien Hoyng, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK and the Internet Society Hong Kong are organising Data for Environment: From Insight to Action. We invite you to join our webinar discussing the role of data in tackling the environmental problems that cities like Hong Kong are facing.
The event explores how better access to, and use of, data can contribute to social innovation and awareness of environmental threats such as pollution and waste. What kinds of data would be necessary and what can be done with them? What can Open Data mean for stakeholders such as environmental NGOs and how can they push for it?
Date: 23 October, 2020 (Friday)
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Venue: Online meeting room
Registration: https://forms.gle/KwvSe8KFvBUptDRd6
Prof. Daisy Tam, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, HKBU
Prof. Tam will talk about her research journey in food waste and her web application Breadline (by HKFoodWorks) which uses data to decentralise food rescue operations.
Prof. Wilson Lu, Department of Real Estate and Construction, HKU
How much construction waste is being dumped illegally in Hong Kong’s countryside? Prof. Lu is going to tell us about his research project that dug out the truth using data mining and modelling.
Mr. Wendell Chan, Project Officer of Friends of the Earth (HK)
How “green” are LegCo and District Councils? Friends of the Earth looks into the meeting minutes, attendance and voting record of council members to find out how committed they are to environmental issues.
Dr. Scott Edmunds, CivicSight (formerly Open Data Hong Kong) & CitizenScience.Asia
There are not many publicly available academic and government data in Hong Kong. That was why Dr. Edmunds mobilised the power of citizen-collected data in his crowdsourced mosquito detection projects and in understanding other environmental issues.

Prof. Rolien Hoyng, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK and the Internet Society Hong Kong are organising Data for Environment: From Insight to Action. We invite you to join our webinar discussing the role of data in tackling the environmental problems that cities like Hong Kong are facing.
The event explores how better access to, and use of, data can contribute to social innovation and awareness of environmental threats such as pollution and waste. What kinds of data would be necessary and what can be done with them? What can Open Data mean for stakeholders such as environmental NGOs and how can they push for it?
Date: 23 October, 2020 (Friday)
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Venue: Online meeting room
Prof. Rolien Hoyng, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK and the Internet Society Hong Kong are organising Data for Environment: From Insight to Action. We invite you to join our webinar discussing the role of data in tackling the environmental problems that cities like Hong Kong are facing.
The event explores how better access to, and use of, data can contribute to social innovation and awareness of environmental threats such as pollution and waste. What kinds of data would be necessary and what can be done with them? What can Open Data mean for stakeholders such as environmental NGOs and how can they push for it?
Date: 23 October, 2020 (Friday)
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Venue: Online meeting room
Registration: https://forms.gle/KwvSe8KFvBUptDRd6
Prof. Daisy Tam, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, HKBU
Prof. Tam will talk about her research journey in food waste and her web application Breadline (by HKFoodWorks) which uses data to decentralise food rescue operations.
Prof. Wilson Lu, Department of Real Estate and Construction, HKU
How much construction waste is being dumped illegally in Hong Kong’s countryside? Prof. Lu is going to tell us about his research project that dug out the truth using data mining and modelling.
Mr. Wendell Chan, Project Officer of Friends of the Earth (HK)
How “green” are LegCo and District Councils? Friends of the Earth looks into the meeting minutes, attendance and voting record of council members to find out how committed they are to environmental issues.
Dr. Scott Edmunds, CivicSight (formerly Open Data Hong Kong) & CitizenScience.Asia
There are not many publicly available academic and government data in Hong Kong. That was why Dr. Edmunds mobilised the power of citizen-collected data in his crowdsourced mosquito detection projects and in understanding other environmental issues.

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